Model No.︰Soft-Mag Iron
Brand Name︰Midhani Soft Iron, Electric Magnetic Iron, Core
Country of Origin︰India
Unit Price︰-
Minimum Order︰-
Midhani Soft Iron, Electric Magnetic Iron, Core Iron, Pure Iron, Soft Magnetic Iron, SoftMag Iron
MIDHANI Soft-Iron, Electric-Magnetic Iron, Core-Iron, Pure-Iron, Soft-Magnetic Iron, Soft-Mag Iron
MIDHANI Pure Magnetic Iron Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Midhani Low Carbon Soft-Magnetic Iron Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
MIDHANI SoftMag Soft Pure Magnetic Iron Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Midhani Soft-Mag Soft Iron Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
DTD5102 Pure Magnetic Iron Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
DTD-5102 Low Carbon Soft-Magnetic Iron Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
D.T.D.5102 Soft Pure Magnetic Iron Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
D.T.D-5102 Soft Iron Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
DTD5092 Pure Magnetic Iron Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
DTD-5092 Low Carbon Soft-Magnetic Iron Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
D.T.D.5092 Soft Pure Magnetic Iron Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
D.T.D-5092 Soft Iron Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
REMKO Pure Magnetic Iron Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
REMKO HP Low Carbon Soft-Magnetic Iron Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
REMKO Soft-Magnetic Iron Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
REMKO-HP Soft-Iron Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
MAXIMAG Pure Magnetic Iron Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
MAXI-MAG Low Carbon Soft-Magnetic Iron Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
MAXIMAG Soft-Magnetic Iron Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
MAXI MAG Soft-Iron Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
CMI-C Commercially Pure Magnetic Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
CMI-C Ultra Low Carbon Magnetic-Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
CMI-B Commercially Pure Magnetic Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
CMI-B Ultra Low Carbon Magnetic-Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Mag Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Mag-Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
MAG Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
MAG-Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
PURON METALS Pure Magnetic Iron Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
PURON PURUS FE Low Carbon Soft-Magnetic Iron Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
PURON-METALS Soft Pure Magnetic Iron Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
PURON-PURUS-FE Soft Iron Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
High Permeability And Low Coercivity Pure Iron For Aerospace, Aviation, Defence, Railway
High-Permeability And Low-Coercive Force Pure-Iron For Aerospace, Aviations, Defence, Railways
High Permeability And Low Coercivity Electro Magnetic Iron For Aerospace, Aviation, Defence, Railway
High-Permeability And Low-Coercive Force Electromagnetic Iron For Aerospace, Aviations, Defence, Railways
High Permeability And Low Coercivity Core Iron For Aerospace, Aviation, Defence, Railway
High-Permeability And Low-Coercive Force Core-Iron For Aerospace, Aviations, Defence, Railways
High Permeability And Low Coercivity Electro High Purity Iron For Aerospace, Aviation, Defence, Railway
High-Permeability And Low-Coercive Force High-Purity Iron For Aerospace, Aviations, Defence, Railways
High Permeability And Low Coercivity Soft Magnetic Iron For Aerospace, Aviation, Defence, Railway
High-Permeability And Low-Coercive Soft Electromagnetic Iron For Aerospace, Aviations, Defence, Railways
High Permeability And Low Coercivity Electro Mag Iron For Aerospace, Aviation, Defence, Railway
High-Permeability And Low-Coercive Force Mag-Iron For Aerospace, Aviations, Defence, Railways
Core Iron Coercive Force Oe 0.75 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Pure Core-Iron Coercive Force Oe-0.75 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Core Iron Coercive Force Oe 0.80 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Pure Core-Iron Coercive Force Oe-0.80 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Core Iron Coercive Force Oe 1.0 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Pure Core-Iron Coercive Force Oe-1.0 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Core Iron Coercive Force Oe 1.3 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Pure Core-Iron Coercive Force Oe-1.3 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Core Iron Coercive Force Oe 1.5 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Pure Core-Iron Coercive Force Oe-1.5 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Core Iron Coercive Force Oe 1.8 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Pure Core-Iron Coercive Force Oe-1.8 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electro Magnetic Iron Coercive Force 60 A/m Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electro-Magnetic Pure Iron Coercive Force 60-A/m Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electro Magnetic Iron Coercive Force 63.2 A/m Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electro-Magnetic Pure Iron Coercive Force 63.2-A/m Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electro Magnetic Iron Coercive Force 79.1 A/m Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electro-Magnetic Pure Iron Coercive Force 79.1-A/m Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electro Magnetic Iron Coercive Force 80 A/m Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electro-Magnetic Pure Iron Coercive Force 80-A/m Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electro Magnetic Iron Coercive Force 100 A/m Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electro-Magnetic Pure Iron Coercive Force 100-A/m Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electro Magnetic Iron Coercive Force 103 A/m Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electro-Magnetic Pure Iron Coercive Force 103-A/m Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electro Magnetic Iron Coercive Force 120 A/m Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electro-Magnetic Pure Iron Coercive Force 120-A/m Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electro Magnetic Iron Coercive Force 142 A/m Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electro-Magnetic Pure Iron Coercive Force 142-A/m Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Ame-8 VIM VAR Core Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Ame8 VIM-VAR Core Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
AME-8 VIM+VAR Core Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
AME8 VIM+VAR Core Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ELCH2 Extra Low Carbon Pure Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ELCH-2 Extra-Low Carbon Pure-Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
DIN 17405 Grade RFe12 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
DIN-17405 Grade RFe-12 Coercive Force (Hc) A/m 20 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
DIN 17405 Grade RFe20 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
DIN-17405 Grade RFe-20 Coercive Force (Hc) A/m 20 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
DIN 17405 Grade RFe40 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
DIN-17405 Grade RFe-40 Coercive Force (Hc) A/m 40 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
DIN 17405 Grade RFe60 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
DIN-17405 Grade RFe-60 Coercive Force (Hc) A/m 60 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
DIN 17405 Grade RFe80 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
DIN-17405 Grade RFe-80 Coercive Force (Hc) A/m 80 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
DIN 17405 Grade RFe100 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
DIN-17405 Grade RFe-100 Coercive Force (Hc) A/m 100 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
DIN 17405 Grade RFe120 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
DIN-17405 Grade RFe-120 Coercive Force (Hc) A/m 120 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
DIN 17405 Grade RFe160 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
DIN-17405 Grade RFe-160 Coercive Force (Hc) A/m 160 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
IS-11947 Soft Magnetic Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
IS-11947 Soft-Magnetic Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
IS-11946 Soft Magnetic Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
IS-11946 Soft-Magnetic Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Grade SUY0 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Grade SUY-0 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Grade SUY1 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Grade SUY-1 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Grade SUY2 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Grade SUY-2 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Grade SUY3 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Grade SUY-3 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Grade A12 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Grade A-12 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Grade A20 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Grade A-20 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Grade A60 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Grade A-60 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Grade A80 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Grade A-80 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Grade A120 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Grade A-120 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Grade A240 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Grade A-240 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Plate SUYP0 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Plate SUYP-0 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Plate SUYP1 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Plate SUYP-1 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Plate SUYP2 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Plate SUYP-2 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Plate SUYP3 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Plate SUYP-3 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Bar SUYB0 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Bar SUYB-0 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Bar SUYB1 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Bar SUYB-1 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Bar SUYB2 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Bar SUYB-2 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
JIS C2504 Bar SUYB3 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
JIS-C-2504 Bar SUYB-3 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A848-01 Low Carbon Magnetic Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM-A-848-01 Low Carbon Magnetic Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A848 Alloy Type-1 Soft Magnetic Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM-A-848 Alloy Type-1 Soft Magnetic Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A848 Alloy Type-2 Soft Magnetic Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM-A-848 Alloy Type-2 Soft Magnetic Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A811 Grade 1 Soft Magnetic Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-811 Grade-1Soft-Magnetic Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A811 Grade 2 Soft Magnetic Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-811 Grade-2Soft-Magnetic Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A811 Grade 3 Soft Magnetic Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-811 Grade-3Soft-Magnetic Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electrical Pure Iron Grade DT4 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electrical-Pure Iron Grade DT-4 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electrical Pure Iron Grade DT4A Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electrical-Pure Iron Grade DT-4A Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electrical Pure Iron Grade DT4E Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electrical-Pure Iron Grade DT-4E Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electrical Pure Iron Grade DT4C Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electrical-Pure Iron Grade DT-4C Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electrical Pure Iron Grade DT8 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electrical-Pure Iron Grade DT-8 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electrical Pure Iron Grade DT8A Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electrical-Pure Iron Grade DT-8A Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electrical Pure Iron Grade DT8E Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electrical-Pure Iron Grade DT-8E Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electrical Pure Iron Grade DT8C Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electrical-Pure Iron Grade DT-8C Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electrical Pure Iron Grade DT9 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electrical-Pure Iron Grade DT-9 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ARMCO Pure Iron Grade-1 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ARMCO-Pure Iron Grade-1 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ARMCO Pure Iron Grade-2 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ARMCO-Pure Iron Grade-2 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ARMCO Pure Iron Grade-3 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ARMCO-Pure Iron Grade-3 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ARMCO Pure Iron Grade-4 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ARMCO-Pure Iron Grade-4 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 7417-75 Cold Drawn Steel Rods, Cold Drawn Steel Bars, Cold Drawn Steel Rounds
GOST7417-75 Cold-Drawn Steel Rod, Cold-Drawn Steel Bar, Cold-Drawn Steel Round
GOST 7417-75 Cold Rolled Steel Rods, Cold Rolled Steel Bars, Cold Rolled Steel Rounds
GOST7417-75 Cold-Rolled Steel Rod, Cold-Rolled Steel Bar, Cold-Rolled Steel Round
GOST 2590-88 Hot Rolled Steel Rods, Hot Rolled Steel Bars, Hot Rolled Steel Rounds
GOST2590-88 Hot-Rolled Steel Rod, Hot-Rolled Steel Bar, Hot-Rolled Steel Round
GOST 11036-75 Grade 10895 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-10895 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 20895 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-20895 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 11895 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-11895 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 21895 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-21895 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 20880 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-20880 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 21880 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-21880 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 10860 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-10860 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 20860 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-20860 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 11860 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-11860 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 11880 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-11880 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 21860 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-21860 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 10850 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-10850 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 20850 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-20850 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 11850 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-11850 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 21850 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-21850 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 10880 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-10880 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
GOST 11036-75 Grade 10864 Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
GOST-11036-75 Grade-10864 Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A1126 Pure Iron 99.9% Fe Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-1126 Purity Iron-99.9% Low Carbon C-0.0060% Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A1126 Pure Iron 99.95% Fe Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-1126 Purity Iron-99.95% Low Carbon C-0.0060% Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A1126 Pure Iron 99.96% Fe Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-1126 Purity Iron-99.96% Low Carbon C-0.0060% Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A1126 Pure Iron 99.97% Fe Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-1126 Purity Iron-99.97% Low Carbon C-0.0060% Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A1126 Pure Iron 99.98% Fe Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-1126 Purity Iron-99.98% Low Carbon C-0.0060% Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A1126 Pure Iron 99.99% Fe Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-1126 Purity Iron-99.99% Low Carbon C-0.0060% Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A1126 Pure Iron 99.995% Fe Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-1126 Purity Iron-99.995% Low Carbon C-0.0060% Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A1126 Pure Iron 99.996% Fe Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-1126 Purity Iron-99.996% Low Carbon C-0.0060% Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A1126 Pure Iron 99.997% Fe Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-1126 Purity Iron-99.997% Low Carbon C-0.0060% Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A1126 Pure Iron 99.998% Fe Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-1126 Purity Iron-99.998% Low Carbon C-0.0060% Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
ASTM A1126 Pure Iron 99.999% Fe Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
ASTM A-1126 Purity Iron-99.999% Low Carbon C-0.0060% Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Pure-Iron Annealed Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Pure Iron Annealed Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Electro-Magnetic Iron Annealed Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Electromagnetic Iron Annealed Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Core-Iron Annealed Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Core Iron Annealed Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
High-Purity Iron Annealed Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
High Purity Iron Annealed Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Soft-Magnetic Iron Annealed Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Soft Magnetic Iron Annealed Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Mag-Iron Annealed Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Mag Iron Annealed Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Very Low-Carbon Iron Annealed Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
Very Low Carbon Iron Annealed Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
AMS 7707 1957 Commercially Pure Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
AMS-7707-1957 Commercially-Pure-Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
AMS 7707A 1987 Commercially Pure Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
AMS-7707A-1987 Commercially-Pure-Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
AMS 7707B 1997 Commercially Pure Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
AMS-7707B-1997 Commercially-Pure-Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
AMS 7707C 2007 Commercially Pure Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
AMS-7707C-2007 Commercially-Pure-Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
AMS 7707D 2012 Commercially Pure Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
AMS-7707D-2012 Commercially-Pure-Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
AMS 7707E 2018 Commercially Pure Iron Hot Rolled Rods, Bars, Sheets, Plates, Strips, Flats, Foils, Wires
AMS-7707E-2018 Commercially-Pure-Iron Cold Rolled Rod, Bar, Sheet, Plate, Strip, Flat, Foil, Wire
Inspection & Approval Certificates : C/W Certificate (Calibration Works Certificate) EN 10204 3.1 / DIN 50049 3.1 / ISO 10474 3.1 Mill Test Certificate,
NACE HIC TM-0284 / NACE MR-0103 / NACE MR-0175 / ISO 15166, BS EN 9001, BS EN 9100, AS 9100D, IATF 16949, NADCAP Certified, CE Marked,
European Pressure Equipment Directive PED-2014/68/EU, AD-2000-WO, ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section-II Part A Edition 2019,
API 6A (American Petroleum Institute), with 3.2 Certificate duly Certified & Approved by IBR (Indian Boiler Regulations), LR Class (Lloyd’s Register),
GL (Germanischer Lloyd), BV (Bureau Veritas), DNV (Det Norske Veritas), ABS Class (American Bureau of Shipping), SGS, TUV, RINA,
IR Class (Indian Register of Shipping), NORSOK Approved Standard M-630, M-650 Rev.3 For Ministry of Defence, DRDO, Indian Ordnance Factory,
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI), Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL),
Aerospace, Electric Vehicles, Automotive, Automobile, Railways, Medical Equipments, Military Missiles, Energy, Power Sector, Electronics
If you have any requirement of above items, please feel free to contact us
Mobile No. 0091 – 9820292499
Email –
57-A Khatargalli
Mumbai – 400 002 India